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NIGnets Showcase

Fitting shapes using NIGnets at Full Power

Stanford University

We now fit NIGnets at full power to target shapes. That is, Injective Networks powered by Auxilliary Networks and Monotonic Networks with all boosters on (skip connections!).

# Basic imports
import torch
from torch import nn
import geosimilarity as gs
from NIGnets import NIGnet
from NIGnets.monotonic_nets import SmoothMinMaxNet

from assets.utils import automate_training, plot_curves

We will use the following network architecture for PreAux nets in this showcase.

class PreAuxNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, layer_count, hidden_dim):

        # Pre-Auxilliary net needs closed transform to get same r at theta = 0, 2pi
        self.closed_transform = lambda t: torch.hstack([
            torch.cos(2 * torch.pi * t),
            torch.sin(2 * torch.pi * t)

        layers = [nn.Linear(2, hidden_dim), nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim), nn.PReLU()]
        for i in range(layer_count):
            layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
        layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1))

        self.forward_stack = nn.Sequential(*layers)
    def forward(self, t):
        unit_circle = self.closed_transform(t) # Rows are cos(theta), sin(theta)
        r = self.forward_stack(unit_circle)
        x = r * unit_circle # Each row is now r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)
        return x

Circle and Square

from assets.shapes import circle, square

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt_circle = circle(num_pts)
Xt_square = square(num_pts)

# Initialize networks to learn the target shapes and train
preaux_net = PreAuxNet(layer_count = 2, hidden_dim = 5)
monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 3, nodes_per_group = 3)
circle_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 3, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)
square_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 3, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

print('Training Circle Net:')
    model = circle_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt_circle,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 1000, print_cost_every = 200
print('Training Square Net:')
    model = square_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt_square,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 1000, print_cost_every = 200

# Get final curve represented by the networks
Xc_circle = circle_net(t)
Xc_square = square_net(t)

# Plot the curves
plot_curves(Xc_circle, Xt_circle)
plot_curves(Xc_square, Xt_square)
Training Circle Net:
Epoch: [   1/1000]. Loss:    0.547675
Epoch: [ 200/1000]. Loss:    0.000109
Epoch: [ 400/1000]. Loss:    0.000033
Epoch: [ 600/1000]. Loss:    0.000014
Epoch: [ 800/1000]. Loss:    0.000733
Epoch: [1000/1000]. Loss:    0.000004
Training Square Net:
Epoch: [   1/1000]. Loss:    0.664601
Epoch: [ 200/1000]. Loss:    0.000638
Epoch: [ 400/1000]. Loss:    0.000184
Epoch: [ 600/1000]. Loss:    0.000132
Epoch: [ 800/1000]. Loss:    0.000060
Epoch: [1000/1000]. Loss:    0.000046
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes><Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Stanford Bunny

from assets.shapes import stanford_bunny

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt = stanford_bunny(num_pts)

preaux_net = PreAuxNet(layer_count = 2, hidden_dim = 10)
monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 6, nodes_per_group = 6)
nig_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 5, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

    model = nig_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 10000, print_cost_every = 2000

Xc = nig_net(t)
plot_curves(Xc, Xt)
Epoch: [    1/10000]. Loss:    0.422331
Epoch: [ 2000/10000]. Loss:    0.000279
Epoch: [ 4000/10000]. Loss:    0.000144
Epoch: [ 6000/10000]. Loss:    0.000112
Epoch: [ 8000/10000]. Loss:    0.000091
Epoch: [10000/10000]. Loss:    0.000081
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>


from assets.shapes import heart

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt = heart(num_pts)

preaux_net = PreAuxNet(layer_count = 2, hidden_dim = 10)
monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 6, nodes_per_group = 6)
nig_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 3, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

    model = nig_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 10000, print_cost_every = 2000

Xc = nig_net(t)
plot_curves(Xc, Xt)
Epoch: [    1/10000]. Loss:    0.473060
Epoch: [ 2000/10000]. Loss:    0.000009
Epoch: [ 4000/10000]. Loss:    0.000007
Epoch: [ 6000/10000]. Loss:    0.000005
Epoch: [ 8000/10000]. Loss:    0.000005
Epoch: [10000/10000]. Loss:    0.000005
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>


from assets.shapes import hand

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt = hand(num_pts)

preaux_net = PreAuxNet(layer_count = 2, hidden_dim = 10)
monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 10, nodes_per_group = 10)
nig_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 5, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

    model = nig_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 10000, print_cost_every = 2000

Xc = nig_net(t)
plot_curves(Xc, Xt)
Epoch: [    1/10000]. Loss:    0.952776
Epoch: [ 2000/10000]. Loss:    0.000325
Epoch: [ 4000/10000]. Loss:    0.000087
Epoch: [ 6000/10000]. Loss:    0.000067
Epoch: [ 8000/10000]. Loss:    0.000060
Epoch: [10000/10000]. Loss:    0.000056
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Puzzle Piece

from assets.shapes import puzzle_piece

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt = puzzle_piece(num_pts)

monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 10, nodes_per_group = 10)
nig_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 5, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

    model = nig_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 10000, print_cost_every = 2000

Xc = nig_net(t)
plot_curves(Xc, Xt)
Epoch: [    1/10000]. Loss:    0.439700
Epoch: [ 2000/10000]. Loss:    0.000248
Epoch: [ 4000/10000]. Loss:    0.000118
Epoch: [ 6000/10000]. Loss:    0.000070
Epoch: [ 8000/10000]. Loss:    0.000052
Epoch: [10000/10000]. Loss:    0.000038
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>


from assets.shapes import airplane

# Generate target curve points
num_pts = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, num_pts).reshape(-1, 1)
Xt = airplane(num_pts)

preaux_net = PreAuxNet(layer_count = 2, hidden_dim = 25)
monotonic_net = SmoothMinMaxNet(input_dim = 1, n_groups = 10, nodes_per_group = 10)
nig_net = NIGnet(layer_count = 5, preaux_net = preaux_net, monotonic_net = monotonic_net)

    model = nig_net, loss_fn = gs.MSELoss(), X_train = t, Y_train = Xt,
    learning_rate = 0.1, epochs = 10000, print_cost_every = 2000

Xc = nig_net(t)
plot_curves(Xc, Xt)
Epoch: [    1/10000]. Loss:    0.622391
Epoch: [ 2000/10000]. Loss:    0.000191
Epoch: [ 4000/10000]. Loss:    0.000135
Epoch: [ 6000/10000]. Loss:    0.000092
Epoch: [ 8000/10000]. Loss:    0.000069
Epoch: [10000/10000]. Loss:    0.000062
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>